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Photo: Creative Photographics

Our surveys have highlighted the importance Your Local Wedding Guide and our www.weddingguide.com.au play as an information source for couples proposing to attend the expos. We also incorporate a comprehensive marketing strategy to raise consumer awareness, including the use of the following mediums:
glossy flyers to be distributed via bridal showrooms, cross-promotion, community bulletin boards and local businesses
glossy A2 posters for public display in your bridal showrooms and other participating businesses
advertisements in our own Your Local Wedding Guide magazines
listing on www.weddingguide.com.au and various other websites
radio advertising
television advertising (Brisbane and Canberra only)
press advertisements
outdoor venue banners (Brisbane, Gold Coast and Canberra)
> Contact the Expo Co-ordinator



Your Local Wedding Guide
Magazines. Internet. Expos.
Ph: 07 - 3367 2788 • Fax: 07 - 3217 5159
Email: enquiries@weddingguide.com.au
Postal: PO Box 251 Paddington Q 4064
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