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Photo: Gary Mills of
Mills Photography

All exhibitors must carry Public Liability Insurance to the value of $10,000,000 to provide cover whilst exhibiting. This refers to damage or injury caused to third parties/visitors on, or in the vicinity of, an exhibition stand. Public Liability Insurance can often be obtained from your own insurance company, however we can purchase it on your behalf for $82.50 (inc. GST).

If you organise your own insurance please send a copy of your Certificate of Insurance with your signed booking confirmation. If you choose to purchase insurance through Your Local Wedding Guide,your coverage will be arranged with QBE Insurance (Australia) Ltd. The insurance coverage is based on a limit of indemnity of $10,000,000 for one occurrence and has effect from the first day of set up of the exhibition to the final day of dismantling. Please note, with the exception of food and drink, the policy does not include any other claims arising from the sale or supply of products at the event.

Your Local Wedding Guide
Magazines. Internet. Expos.
Ph: 07 - 3367 2788 • Fax: 07 - 3217 5159
Email: enquiries@weddingguide.com.au
Postal: PO Box 251 Paddington Q 4064
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